Looking for a MtM Calculaor?

Simplify the mark-to-market (MtM) valuation of your swap portfolio with BlueGamma's MtM Calculator.

Monitor the current MtM of your entire portfolio, updated in real-time.

Historical MtMs

Travel back in time to see how the MtM of your swaps has evolved.


Forecast the future MtM of your swap portfolio and stay ahead of market movements.


Calculate MtMs for 20+ currencies including EURIBOR, SOFR, and SONIA.

Live Data

Access real-time market data updated every 5 minutes.


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"BlueGamma aggregates our essential data needs into a simple dashboard, helping us keep our clients well-informed."
Director, Financial Advisor, London
"The swap pricing capabilities of BlueGamma has helped build our understanding of the financing landscape."
Vice President, IPP, Paris